Whether you want to start brewing your own coffee at home or you’re a coffee expert, it’s important to know the different types of coffee beans. Each one has different characteristics, and you’ll want to know what each one tastes like before you decide which one you prefer. Rave Coffee Beans are also an excellent choice for your everyday coffee fix.


Among the many varieties of coffee beans, Arabica coffee beans are considered the highest quality. They have a sweeter, smoother taste than other coffee beans.

Arabica coffee beans are produced from the Coffea arabica plant. The plant has a long history of cultivars. It thrives in areas that have rich, mineral-rich soils. The plant can grow to nine or ten meters tall, with oval-shaped leaves and an open branching system.

The flowers are about ten to fifteen millimeters in diameter. They have a sweet aroma and are very fragrant. Coffee cherries have a variety of classifications. The lighter roasts tend to have more acidity, while the darker roasts have smoky and bittersweet flavors.

The leaves are six to twelve centimeters long and are simple. They have an outer membrane called a parchment coat. The inner membrane contains the seeds. Depending on the cultivar, coffee berries can take between five and eight months to ripen.

Arabica coffee beans are often mixed with other varieties to increase the flavor. Some coffee companies add Robusta to Arabica to create a blend. However, Robusta is considered lower quality than Arabica.

The plants are drought resistant, hardy and have a unique flavor profile. They can be returned to production if left alone. However, they are susceptible to common coffee diseases.

Coffee trees can produce 0.5 to 5.0 kilograms of dried beans depending on the climate. They are often planted in highlands, which are generally cooler. The trees can take about five years to produce fruit.

There are many different kinds of Arabica coffee, but the most popular are Typica and Bourbon. The latter is pronounced “Bor-BONN”. They are considered to be the first varieties of coffee.

Typica is widely grown in the Americas and in Jamaica. It is a low-yielding variety that is susceptible to certain diseases. However, it is also considered to have a clean and sweet cup.

The leaves of the coffee plant are dark green and oval-shaped. The flowers are small, white, and highly fragrant. They are harvested when the berries are deep red or purple.


Besides Arabica coffee, Robusta is another common coffee plant varietal that is grown around the world. The Coffea canephora plant species originated in Africa and is grown in countries such as India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam.

Robusta is considered to be the strongest coffee in the world, with a high level of caffeine. It is also known to have a bitter, earthy flavor. The beans are smaller than Arabica and come in a rounder shape.

Robusta is also used in instant coffee. Its caffeine content is twice as high as that of Arabica. This makes it one of the most popular varieties of coffee. The beans have a thicker texture, as well as a creamier, bitter taste.

Robusta coffee is popular in African countries. It is also popular in South America and Southeast Asia. It is used to make coffee drinks that include condensed sweetened milk.

The Robusta plant thrives in a wide variety of habitats. It can grow at low altitudes and in warm climates. It can also be grown in areas that receive plenty of sunshine. It is also resistant to pests and disease.

Robusta is also considered to be less expensive than Arabica. However, this is not always the case. Some of the world’s largest commercial roasters use large quantities of Robusta beans. The taste is not always as good as Arabica, and many coffee aficionados believe it is inferior.

Robusta coffee is not commonly roasted as a single varietal. It is often mixed with Arabica to make a coffee that has more caffeine and a stronger flavour. It is also used to make espresso, which has a foamy layer.

The main difference between Arabica and Robusta coffee is the way it is grown. Arabica is generally grown above 1,000 metres above sea level, whereas robusta is grown at lower altitudes. This results in more alkaline compounds being released during the roasting process. These compounds help the overall pH of the coffee. This makes the coffee easier to digest.

The robusta plant is considered to be more adaptable than the Arabica. It is also more resistant to coffee leaf rust. It is also less prone to fungal diseases and pests.


Unlike other coffee beans, Excelsa coffee has a unique taste and flavor. It’s also lower in caffeine than arabica and robusta. It’s been used in coffee blends to create complex and interesting flavors. It can also be consumed on its own.

Excelsa coffee beans have a berry-like taste with a tart aftertaste. Their natural flavors can be enhanced with the addition of other coffee beans. They are most commonly found in blends with arabica.

Excelsa coffee beans are grown in Southeast Asia and Indonesia. They are a subspecies of Liberica. Liberica is named after Liberia, where it originated. Liberica is considered an underdog in the coffee world, though it is gaining popularity as a coffee bean.

This species is also known as “tree coffee” in the local language. It is said to be more resilient than other coffee plants. This is due to its root system, which helps the plant resist certain pests. It is also resistant to certain diseases.

Excelsa coffee beans are grown in Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The coffee is grown in rows with 5-7m trees. The trees have good growth characteristics. They are resistant to common diseases and are also tolerant to harsh conditions. Its leaves are leathery and large. Its flowers are smaller than those of the canephora. It has a long, thick root system.

Excelsa coffee is a popular drink in Southeast Asia and Indonesia. The drink’s distinctive flavor and lingering aftertaste make it ideal for early mornings. It can be blended with other beans to create an interesting and complex blend. Its sour and earthy notes make it an ideal base for a variety of coffee drink options.

Excelsa coffee beans can be naturally processed or washed. These methods produce a more natural flavor and fermented aroma. They also allow the origin’s flavors to come through. In India, producers often group their beans together.

Excelsa coffee beans have a lower caffeine content than other coffee beans, ranging from 0.86 to 1.13 grams per 100g. This is a benefit to coffee drinkers, who may want to cut back on the amount of caffeine they consume.


Among the world’s coffee varieties, Liberica is one of the rarest. It originated in tropical west and central Africa. It is especially cultivated in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and other countries in Southeast Asia. Its unique characteristics make it highly coveted by coffee lovers.

Compared to Arabica and Robusta, Liberica coffee is more resistant to pests and diseases. It is also more drought-tolerant. It can grow in lower altitudes than Arabica. It has a distinctly bold mouthfeel and a fruity floral aroma.

Liberica coffee beans are larger than Arabica beans. They also have a lower caffeine content. They are less bitter.

Liberica coffee has a long history. It was first introduced to Indonesia in 1875. The plant then spread to other coffee growing regions in maritime Southeast Asia. Its economic life span is 25-30 years. The plant has a high resistance to the coffee rust disease. However, infrastructure problems and other factors have made it difficult to produce a large volume of Liberica.

Although the Liberica plant is now endangered, some farmers are still commercially growing it. In Indonesia, the Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI) maintains a germplasm collection of Coffea germplasm.

The Liberica plant grows to a height of 20 meters. It has a monopodial orthotropic stem. It is also self-incompatible. It can be grown on heavy clay soils. The economic life span of the Liberica coffee plant is 25-30 years.

Liberica coffee plants are resistant to coffee leaf rust disease. In contrast, Arabica coffee plants were severely affected by coffee rust pandemic in the nineteenth century. Fortunately, arabica plants recovered. However, farmers were forced to find a substitute to fill the void. Eventually, the farmers continued to produce Robusta beans.

Although Liberica beans are rare and hard to find, they are a treat for coffee lovers. The unique flavor profile of Liberica coffee is worth pursuing. The beans are also relatively cheap. It is recommended that you purchase it in whole bean form. You can purchase it from online retailers.

The Philippines is one of the biggest Liberica coffee producers. It was the first country to harvest the plant. It was then sold to other countries. Since then, Liberica coffee has spread to countries in Southeast Asia.